What does Gutter Guard cost?
Do you want to know how much gutter guards cost? To learn more about gutter guard prices keep reading… we look forward to working for you!
For Triple-G® leaf mesh installs, our minimum price is $30 per metre. For ScrewTight Full-Metal™ gutter guard installations, the minimum price is $65 per metre.
There are various factors that affect the prices for gutter guard. In order to provide you with an exact quote, we will need to inspect and measure your roof and consider all the factors that can affect the installation and final price.
Grayson’s price for gutter guard installs will include labour, materials, GST and a clean out of the gutters that are being covered.
Factors that affect the pricing of Gutter Guards
The prices for gutter guard will vary depending on different factors, some of these pricing factors are:
What is the length of your gutters?
Length of gutters is the biggest consideration in gutter guard prices. If you don’t know how many linear metres your gutters are, don’t worry that’s normal. We will measure the length of gutters to determine the price. A large majority of houses in Australia have between 50-80 metres of gutters on the roof. Smaller houses have less that 50 metres and extra large houses have more than 100 metres of gutter.
What type of gutters do you have?
The most common type of gutter in Australia is the standard Quad gutter. But there are dozens of different gutter types. Different gutter profiles may affect gutter guard prices. For example, if you have external brackets on your standard quad gutter, our Triple-G system should be cheaper to install as we may not have to make slot-out cuts in the mesh. The more expensive gutter guard installs can be on box gutters, our ScrewTight system is suited to box gutters.
If you have fascia gutters (any gutter that’s attached to the fascia) your options of installation will be greater. Both our Triple-G and Full-Metal ScrewTight systems will fit to fascia gutters.
Do you want a permanently fixed gutter guard?
As said, our cheapest gutter protector option is the tough/affordable and easier to remove Triple-G system. Generally a permanently fixed gutter guard will be more expensive. Ask about Grayson’s Full-Metal gutter guard!

Additional Pricing Factors
Some other factors that affect the price of gutter guard are:
How steep is your roof?
Steepness or “pitch” of your roof is an important factor in pricing. Provided that your roof is less than 30 degrees in steepness, we should be able to install your gutter guard from the roof in a straightforward manner. Installation of gutter guard starts to become more complicated if the roof is steeper than 30 degrees. For difficult access installs, the simpler Triple-G system is often best.
Is it a tiled roof or metal?
With tiled roofs, our screwed-down Full-Metal gutter mesh will simply be tucked under the second row of tiles. If it’s a corrugated metal roof, the fixing process is slightly more complex — we will use saddles onto the roof ribs to attach the mesh. The price for corrugated roofs can be higher than tiled.
How many valleys and hips does your roof have?
Installing gutter guard is usually easier on roofs that have less valleys and corner gutters. Special joins and cuts are made when fitting our gutter mesh around these points.

More Information
For detailed info on prices for Triple-G and our Full-Metal gutter guard solutions, free call us now on 1800 GUTTER (1800 488 837)