Gutter Guard Repair vs Gutter Guard Replacement
In this article we discuss the issue of “when gutter guards need replacement”…
One of the services we provide at Grayson’s is cleaning out, servicing and repairs of gutter guards. Depending on the type and age of gutter guards you have, sometimes the guards have deteriorated to the point they are beyond repair and may need to be totally replaced.
Every week we encounter roofs that haven’t been attended to for over 10 years, and this is particularly true for householders with gutter guards. With gutter guards in place your roofing will usually have better continuous flow of water to your drains, with this in mind householders become complacent and sometimes they will totally forget about their roof drainage system.
After about the 10 year mark, even the very best gutter guards will need some maintenance.
When Replacement Becomes Necessary
Plastic gutter guards can start to crack under the sun’s harsh UV rays. Our gutter guard repair service includes free minor repairs such as sealing gutter mesh joints and patching over holes in the mesh. But in many cases it’s not worth salvaging the existing guard, so full replacement may be best. We will advice you on whether we believe leaf guard gutter repair or “full replacement” is a better option.
The above photo is a perfect example of a gutter guard that needs replacing due to a complete lack of maintenance. The dirt is actually building up on the bottom tile to such an extent that the ensuing weed growth is pushing the mesh upwards. This is similar to the way tree roots can crack concrete driveways as they move the ground underneath. To make matters worse, the owner of this house had some inexperienced tradespeople attempting to clean the gutter guard, that job was left unfinished.
In a situation like this we would have to lift the mesh up too high to get all the roots out from underneath; so, in this instance, it’s easier (and cheaper) to completely remove the old gutter guard and replace it with a new system.
Call 1800 GUTTER today to talk to Australia’s expert gutter guard installers and cleaners!